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About Jill Binder - Stop Smoking Coach

I can best describe what I do for a living by sharing with you a defining moment in my life. Imagine if you will, a wee little, scrawny, quiet girl in Grade 2. We were learning in class that cigarettes were Poison. On the list of things that were "good" and "bad," they were "bad."

My father smoked, and you can imagine my horrors at finding out the evils of what he was doing to himself and to our family. So I, the loving and caring daughter that I was, that very night, carefully and lovingly made up tiny little signs that said things

like, "Cigarettes are poison!", "Smoking kills!" and my pièce de résistance, my rendering of the skull and cross bones, and put them carefully in every single one of his ashtrays. I was excited for him to come home that night so he could see how much his daughter loved him. Did he cry tears of joy and throw out his cigarettes? No. He was upset and threw out the signs. In my 7 year old mind, I thought it meant he loved cigarettes more than he loved me. How could they have so much hold over a person and be more important than his daughter?

As a result of that experience, I decided to dedicate my professional life to help people quit smoking.

Jill Binder coaches and trains people in the 8 steps to quit smoking forever. She has appeared in media all across the country, including CFRA and C-Fax radio, and The Sun and The Star newspapers.