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Have you tried many ways to quit and failed?
Do you fear quitting because you think you'll gain weight?

I believe there are 3 types of smoking cravings:

  1. Physical - The level of nicotine goes down in your blood stream and you need to replenish it; (Not a major craving for most people)
  2. Habitual - You associate smoking with certain times of day or activities;
  3. Stress - You use cigarettes to avoid something or to give yourself a boost or a reward. (This is in fact most people's strongest craving. It masks itself as Physical. It is the craving that usually brings people back to smoking long after they have quit.)

It is possible that the reason that your attempts to quit have failed in the past is because you have focused on only one of these craving types. Most methods focus on the Physical only. They help you get rid of just the cigarettes.

For people who have been smoking since their pre-teens or teens, they have learned how to cope with life with cigarettes. Take away the cigarettes, and the coping mechanisms are gone. Take away the nicotine... and they need to replace it with something else (like eating), or cave in to those nic fits.

They can't even picture what life would be like without a cigarette.

This is what I am going to show you how to do:

In Book 1: How To Start, I am going to show you how to figure out if you're ready to quit, how to picture what your life will be like without cigarettes, and how to get rid of the beliefs that are stopping you from being successful. With this book, you will feel more than empowered. You will know, without a doubt, if you are going to be successful this time, and you are going to make quitting a lot easier for yourself.

In Book 2: How To Cut The Cravings, I am going to lead you step by step through how to create a customized action plan for yourself for each of the three types of cravings. I recommend cutting down slowly, and as you do, play with the different ways of quitting. Find what is most natural for you. You're not just cutting out the cigarettes, you are creating a whole new healthy lifestyle, including how to manage stress in healthy ways.

I will also show you self-care, how to fulfill the needs that you were ignoring by replacing with the cigarettes. The result is not needing to turn to other addictions like food or alcohol.

In Book 3: How To Stay Quit, I will show you the tricks to staying smoke-free, such as how to think like a Non-Smoker (not an ex-smoker or someone who used to smoke), how to deal with being around your smoking friends, how to make that final quit in such a way that you are not losing cigarettes but what you yourself are gaining (your answer will probably surprise you), and how to get back on track without hassle if you should slip up. I will also show you how to deal with the most important period of your quitting: The period of time after you have quit. What works for you to stay quit may be different than what worked for you to quit. And lastly, when and how to celebrate.


The books are a conversation with a former client, Kenn. In the conversations, I give straight-up, no nonsense advice that come directly from my years of coaching and my years of my own personal development. I love self-help and personal development, and I give you the best of, everything that will help directly related to smoking (or anything else you would like to stop doing). I offer a smorgasboard, and it's up to you to decide which parts you are going to do, which parts will help you succeed this time.

You should not get the books if:

  1. You are not going to do the exercises;
  2. You don't have the willingness to see it through.

If you're not sure, just get the first one. It's a relatively quick book, and you will see if you are ready. I'm offering the first book for free for signing up for my newsletter. You can get it below.

The other two books are $25 each.

My one-on-one coaching is $250 a month, for 3 or 4 months. But you can get the 3 ebooks for a fraction of that, and get all the same great information that my private clients get.


Learn the Secrets of The Stop
Smoking Coach now.

3 Ebooks:

1. How To Start
2. How To Cut The Cravings
3. How To Stay Quit

Would you like to learn how?

Download the books (PDF) now for free.